Why another endfed? Simple, we're an antenna seller. Why send you elsewhere for one of the most popular aerials around? If there's one thing that bugs the heck out of Bantenna owner, G4YVM, (and there are some!) its getting to go /P and carrying tons of stuff which all gets jumbled up. Not everyone wants to load a modified shopping trolley with amateur radio gear just to go for a walk. G4YVM goes on walks with his dogs and if you've done that you'll know that it's almost impossible to do two things at once if one of them involves dogs. The best fun was with an Elecraft KX2 and a wire...so that got us thinking. We ended up with a "sort of" 60ft end fed and a small unun. No tuner. No poles. Just hoist the Pocket Rocket over a branch and off you go...so now rigs like QCX, FT817/818, Xiegu variants etc etc which are popular but have no tuner can be plugged directly into the Bantenna endfed and used anywhere 80m to 10m. Ditto your FT817, 818 etc. (Be reasonable...your specific locations will differ...use an ATU to trim if you can).
Things move on and a few changes are in the air...the endfed is now sold as a kit if you want it. What you get is a coil with the wire soldered to it but NOT CUT TO LENGTH. This means that you will need to trim the unun end for 40m and the far end for 80m. A few centimetres at a time... Why? Well because my cutting it here means it's trimmed to swr in my environment which could easily differ from yours. Furthermore, some people enjoy trimming the wire to achieve perfection.
The kits will also save you cash...see the shop and aorder accordingly.
The Pocket Rocket Has changed.....it is now a coil loaded 80m to 10m endfed. Neat 49:1 unun, slim-line coil and light weight wire. Still your choice...30w or 100w unun.
The antenna comes supplied on an aerial winder (don't you just hate tangles??)
Watch the video here
Bantenna Pocket Rocket multiband endfed HF bands 80m to 10m, ALL modes.

Pocket Rocket action!
Here we see the endfed ready for use as shipped to you. Designed to have the unun aloft or grounded, you choose. See which gives you a better SWR. The coils are currently supplied integral (you cant see the joins!) but if you do snap a wite the heatshrink can be removed and new wire soldered on. I am still debating ths feature...may be that future models have screw termals.
So many mixes...
Choosing the right toroid is about mix, size and number! Get the mix wrong and the thing just wont work. Get the size wrong and the losses are high leading to heat in the torid and possible (certain!) damage to the mix itself. You can add toroids to each other which changes things again, mostly cost and weight! For the end fed we settled on the classic 43 type mix ferrite toroid...but only after we tried many more for you.